

Set favorite accounts

If you add most of your expenses to a single account, like a primary credit card or budget, Gem can automatically choose this account for you whenever you create new expenses.

  1. Go to Settings > Recording
  2. Under Expenses, tap Account
  3. Choose an account

  • Traveling? Create a new budget (or account) for it, like "NYC 2024", and set it as your favorite account. Just don't forget to change it when your trips ends 🥸
  • You can also set favorite income category, just look for Income

Advanced account options

When editing accounts, you can set the following:

Location. Move accounts by choosing a new placement.


Repeat expenses was removed in version 3.7 (Nov 2024) due to a bug. If you still see it, please avoid using it as it might modify existing expenses

Merge categories & accounts

Gem can help you remove similar categories by merging them into another category (or accounts).

  1. Go to Settings > Categories
  2. Navigate to the category you want to remove
  3. Tap Edit on the top-right corner
  4. Tap Merge on the top-right corner
  5. Choose the category you want to move the expenses to
  6. Tap Merge to confirm

If you don't see a "Merge" button, that category doesn't have any expenses so you can safely delete it

Add more fields to expenses

Gem allows adding more fields to your expenses, so you can record and organize expenses into wallets, events, tags and more.

These "fields" behave like a group of options (similar to accounts), which you can choose from when recording expenses, when searching, or creating budgets.

  1. Go to Settings > Recording
  2. Scroll down, tap Folders & more, then tap New folder
  3. Give it a name. I recommend using a group name, like "Wallets", "Events", "Tags" (use plurals)
  4. Tap Add
  5. Go back to Settings > Tap your new field (just below Accounts)
  6. Gem automatically creates an "Untitled" item that you can rename (or create another one and delete this one)
  7. Tap New on the bottom-left to create more items

Since your field name is something like "Wallets", Gem will refer to it as "Set wallets" and "Create a new wallets". If you find this funny:

  1. Go to Settings > Recording
  2. Tap Folders & more, then tap your field name
  3. In Abbr., type the singular version. For example, if you named it "Wallets" use "Wallet", for "Events" use "Event"...
  4. Tap Update